Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) Farmers Achieve Clean Water Goal for Everglades Restoration Again in 2022
The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) – the local agency in charge of Everglades Restoration – announced Aug. 11 that farmers in the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) reduced phosphorus by 66% in Water Year 2022, surpassing the goal by more than two times, and marking the 27th year we have met the goal.
Florida Crystals and our community of farmers in the EAA use science-based, on-farm Best Management Practices (BMPs) that were developed in collaboration with University of Florida researcher to filter water on our farms and ensure we provide clean water south to the Everglades.
The SFWMD also reported that Everglades restoration goals have been met by farmers south of Lake Okeechobee each year since 1996 with an average long-term phosphorus reduction of 57 percent. That’s more than two times better than the 25% goal.
Some of the BMPs implemented on our farms are crop rotation, laser-leveling of our farms to retain soil and water and soil testing to precisely apply the exact nutrients only when and where they are needed.
The EAA Best Management Practices program is nationally recognized for its success helping to restore the Everglades. Florida Crystals and EAA farmers implement the program at our own expense, in addition to paying a one-of-a-kind Agricultural Privilege tax of $25-per-acre that funds Everglades restoration projects – a tax that is unique to EAA farmers. No other farmer in America pays a special tax to supply homegrown food.
Thank you to our fantastic team for making this another successful year in our partnership to restore the Everglades!